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Current situation

I wanted to reach out and let you we are (like yourself) monitoring the (COVID-19) situation. Like most small businesses we are doing our best to ensure we meet the best practices for our customers as well as provide for the health and safety of our ourselves.

As our business is generally a one employee operation per vehicle, the only real difference would be would be limited physical contact (not shaking hands) upon arrival with our customers. Always preferred to do so but given the circumstances we all understand.

Our sealing and repairs are continuing daily without interruption.

If you need your driveway done we will do our best to complete it before you sell. Repairs to your commercial properties (potholes/catch basins) will continue not leaving you stranded.

Need help with your invoice? No worries we can help. We can give you the time you need or small monthly payments, just let us know.

Keep well and take care.

Hoping an end to this soon and back to shaking hands.

Best Regards,

Rod Yeo


Acorn Pro


Toll Free 1-833-222-2676

Local & Text 289-628-9055



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